Preamble: Nigel Woodcock was the Seastream Yard manager between 1996 and 2001. I wrote to Nigel asking about the Lloyds certification of the boats that he oversaw at his time with Seastream. I knew he worked closely with Ian Anderson and curious to what standards they were made. I am please to share Nigel’s response for the benefit of existing and potential owners. All of the information below relates to MKIII models but there is no reason to suspect that MKI and MKII boats were not made to exceed Lloyds standards. (Tim Good)
Author: Nigel Woodcock, SeaStream Yard Manager 1996-2004
I first met Ian Anderson in 1995 after receiving a phone call from an Engineer who was working at the recently set up Seastream Yard in Falmouth (Delvecourt Ltd), and who had put forward my name to build an Epoxy Mast beam on a new Design (Countess 33) Ian had done for a Disabled sailing Charity.
The Yacht was to be built under Lloyds certification and the inspector required sample lay ups from the proposed contractor building the Mast beam. Having worked closely with SP systems in the late 80’s developing a clear epoxy resin System for the windsurfing industry and having a lot of composite experience this was right up my street and having submitted a test piece was passed to carry out the work. We covered the deck with a bubble wrap tent and installed heaters to carry out the work under close scrutiny of both the Lloyds inspector and Ian!
Below are the technical documents for the layup and mast beam. These are not for a Seastream 43 specifically but it was produced by the Seastream Team and to the same standards as all other models within the same yard.
It was necessary to log all batch numbers of all materials used as well as on an hourly basis log the temperature and humidity as well as detailing all the post curing schedule, the inspector would then sign off each stage and finally issue a Lloyds approved build certificate for the Yacht.

After finishing the Mast beam Ian asked if I would stay on to complete all the structural alterations to both hull and deck which I did and the Yacht was officially launched by Princess Ann at the Southampton Boat show.
With new orders being signed up Ian asked if I would be interested in setting up a Moulding shop to produce all the hulls and decks for Seastream. A month later we set up a facility just up the lane from the fit out factory.
Ian was always a stickler for quality throughout the build any of his designs and wanted a Lloyds compliant moulding shop, so we installed heaters and a Tachograph which recorded temperature and humidity as well as complete records of all materials, together with post curing schedules so that owners could see the standards to which all the Yachts were being built to.
I went on to be Yard manager and then after the sell out to Christopher Matthews, in around 2001, was promoted to Joint Managing Director. We then embarked on a substantial investment program and a New range of Ian Anderson / Ed Dubois range of 20 metre fast Cruising Yachts for this we built a 30 metre Oven as the yacht was totally Epoxy / Composite .
Unfortunately, before the first 650 was finished, Mr Christopher Matthews died in a tragic Helicopter crash. Due to the way the company had been set up, everything had to be sold off and Chris and Ian’s Vision for Seastream Ended. It was a very cruel twist of fate
Ian’s designs still live on and are still regularly sailed around the World bearing testament to the design/build quality of all of his Yachts.
Wishing you all Smooth Sailing
The strength to overcome adversity
And the Courage to face the Unknown!
Nigel Woodcock
Note: Nigel now works as a professional yacht delivery skipper and undergoes specific consultancy in relation to his extensive yacht building experience. See