Greatings, I would be most grateful if someone could advise me of where to get my hand on an old, but usable Whitlock mamba 3 steering pedestal with the reduction gearbox and receptacle for the torque tube from the inside steering. -Or maybe any ideas or a suitable replacement? Regards Frederik
Sorry for my english but I think marine-stock, Ouistreham, near the ferry to England, will can help you.
You can contact them by :
Claude, Blue Peter, Seastream 43
Hi Frederik,
Try Cliff Mogridge –
He’s based in Emsworth on the UK south coast.
He’s always sorted any steering problems I’ve had (and at a reasonable price).
Regards Andy (Limbara)
Thank you all for your swift reply – much appreciated. I have tried to contact both Marine stock and Cliff – waiting for an answer.. fingers crossed. fair winds to you all